Guys I just had my first shift at my new job and I’m exhausted, I’m also working again tomorrow!! so I’m sorry but updates are gonna be slow :(


so guys, fun fact, I study English language at college and right now we are studying a part child language and it’s so so interesting!! Every time I have toddler speak in books now just know I’ve done it accurately because im LOVING this segment of the course!


@-BLISSFULREADS that’s so interesting!


@-BLISSFULREADS ohhh no that makes sense I’m just stupid


@newromantics_23 I currently study English language and a part of my 2 year course we have a segment on child language so learning the stages that children go through to talk, how they talk, why they talk the way they do and all of the features that use to talk and I’m finding it really interesting so now in my books when I have toddler’s and they have speech, I’m trying to do it accurately based on what I’m learning if that makes sense. 


guys guess what, do you remember when I did a version of how did it end in my book Sweet Nothing, I may or may not be doing a London boy (Travis’ Version) for a oneshot 


Yes I want to see that 


I’m working late, because I’m a writer…or perhaps I should say early as I’ve been awake since 4am and couldn’t sleep so decided to write. Send help 


that’s the point braeden 


I read this in a Sabrina carpenter voice 