hello everyone! i hope life is treating you well and things are great for you all. i have been living life and enjoying its beauty but i have not stopped thinking about writing, i promise! i will be updating chapters rather slowly but nonetheless, they will be out! thank you for your patience and hopefully, i’ll be able to have some chapters out by the end of next week! <3


hello everyone! i hope life is treating you well and things are great for you all. i have been living life and enjoying its beauty but i have not stopped thinking about writing, i promise! i will be updating chapters rather slowly but nonetheless, they will be out! thank you for your patience and hopefully, i’ll be able to have some chapters out by the end of next week! <3


y’all would hate me if i told y’all the reason i haven’t been updating is bc i’m working on a new book… ☠️ 


thank you so much!!! *teary eyed emoji* @Aamour99 


I’ll support you nevertheless 


That’s exactly why i stopped on my book☠️


what book deserves an update first? lmk and i’ll do so within the next two days! 


oohh I really wish you could update intensive 


i just finished endlessly and i LOVED it, & i just started reading pointe of no return :) sooo you should def update that one first 