
It’s almost summer in Florida. You know what that means.
          	Flying black harmless affection bugs which are virtually useless and were the result of a failed laboratory project EVERYWHERE 


@-BoneyBoi- weird thing to call love bugs


It’s almost summer in Florida. You know what that means.
          Flying black harmless affection bugs which are virtually useless and were the result of a failed laboratory project EVERYWHERE 


@-BoneyBoi- weird thing to call love bugs


up past witching hour reflecting on my life so far, and i just need to tell you guys some things I wish someone had told me;
          •in a healthy relationship the other will not cause intentional physical harm to you. if they are then this is not healthy. they will also not degrade you. 
          •OTHER PEOPLE’S HAPPINESS IS NOT YOUR RESPONSIBILITY! it’s good to check up on your friends, but do not feel the need to take on extra responsibilities you are not ready for to assure their happiness. 
          •sometimes ya just gotta stop and take a deep breath man 
          •there will always be someone out there that loves you
          •set aside time to do the things that make you happy 
          •how people treat you is not a reflection of your actions, but a reflection of them. in other words, if someone is making your life miserable, than they’re the ones with issues.
          •do no harm, take no bull
          •physical violence should only be used as a last 
          •don’t set expectations and assume others will meet them. if you don’t expect the best from someone, they can’t let you down (sounds cold but trust me) 
          •last but not least please take care of yourself and make sure you’re getting the proper nutrition, medication, sleep, and maintaining good hygiene 


Happy trans visibility day!


@-BoneyBoi- yayyyy I'm a day late but idc


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It’s spring in Florida. You know what that means....


@-BoneyBoi- and I'm like it's better than yours damn right


@MildlyInsulted yeah but it’s bigger than yours 


@-BoneyBoi- say martinez has malls while holding your tongue


Got a new phone, mom put me in as an 8 year old on iCloud so I couldn’t download Wattpad and had to use the website. BUT I figured out a way around it and now have the app again :). So I can reply to everyone. I still my miss my 6 tho. The home button was broken, the screen was cracked, and I couldn’t really contact anyone, or get the new update bc of lack of storage, but I will forever miss it constantly suggesting that I put lesbians after every adjective and it incessantly recommending I describe everyone as gay, and that random words were all capitalized.  Rest In Peace, my love. 


Instead of expecting your woman to cook dinner for you every night like it's 1950, MAN UP and develop a meth habit so you don't have to eat 


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@little-BIG_B0I real shit


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@-BoneyBoi- fuck that, real negroidians photosynthesize, and don't have a need for women nor' meth.
            PLANT GANG