three announcements below!:
          	1. “Tha' Lunatic” is re-published, but i will no longer be updating that book — and the same thing goes for “Knockin' Da Boots”. i’ve enjoyed my time writing for my 90s men & whatnot, but i believe it’s come to an end. the books will remain on my page, but like i previously stated, there won’t be any new updates! ✨
          	2. ^ same thing goes for “Love Is Only A Feeling”! honestly, i have no more ideas for that book & i feel like i’ve written all i can for it. still love me some Joey tho. ✨
          	3. this lack of engagement with my updates is upsettin' me & my homegirls, i’m not gon' lie, y’all. barely any reads, votes, AND comments is extremely discouraging for ANY writer, especially one coming back from a hiatus. ✨respectfully✨ show an authorette some love & interact puhleasee! i don’t bite, y’all. *heartbreak emojis*


we’ll be there captain! we know that feeling all too well. (,: 


It’s very discouraging for me as well!


I know how you feel! 


three announcements below!:
          1. “Tha' Lunatic” is re-published, but i will no longer be updating that book — and the same thing goes for “Knockin' Da Boots”. i’ve enjoyed my time writing for my 90s men & whatnot, but i believe it’s come to an end. the books will remain on my page, but like i previously stated, there won’t be any new updates! ✨
          2. ^ same thing goes for “Love Is Only A Feeling”! honestly, i have no more ideas for that book & i feel like i’ve written all i can for it. still love me some Joey tho. ✨
          3. this lack of engagement with my updates is upsettin' me & my homegirls, i’m not gon' lie, y’all. barely any reads, votes, AND comments is extremely discouraging for ANY writer, especially one coming back from a hiatus. ✨respectfully✨ show an authorette some love & interact puhleasee! i don’t bite, y’all. *heartbreak emojis*


we’ll be there captain! we know that feeling all too well. (,: 


It’s very discouraging for me as well!


I know how you feel! 