Currently having an early quarter-life crisis :)


          	  Awww, thank you <3
          	  How's everything going?


@ShortSassyCuteClassy I'm so late but OMG!!! You're the sweetest!!


          	  Ahhh, understood.
          	  Honestly, I feel that way despite having (more or less) mapped it out and I'm not even in 11th. 
          	  Having a plan doesn't mean you won't feel lost. In fact, I suppose you feel worse because you have the plan, and motivation, but lack energy. And it seems like your fault. It's not. 
          	  Your plan will change. A lot of times. But try and explore as much as possible because the more you do eliminate now, the easier it'll be to find that final piece.
          	  It's not easy.
          	  Take it slow.
          	  Right now, it's casual. Just some fun. Have FUN. It's your future. And the world is your oyster. 
          	  Moreover, start as soon as possible. Don't ask about others' plans because if they're smart they won't reveal it and you'll get no where. Ask you help, if you feel as though you need it- your good friends will help you out. They'll guide you step by step and never leave your side.
          	  I swear. 
          	  Don't ask, don't tell is the motto.
          	  Don't ask them, don't tell them.
          	  It places a sort of judgement on you. A burden, perhaps.
          	  I've always been told not to disclose such information regarding my future just in case.
          	  Succeed- that's great. They'll know. They'll always find out. 
          	  But if you fail, or you encounter a major setback, this world is cruel, and people are judgemental, and they will judge you so hard you'll spontaneously combust. 
          	  I'm exaggerating but you know what I mean, right?
          	  Take *clap* It *clap* Easy *clap*
          	  You can do it.
          	  I know you can.
          	  Hell, YOU know you can!
          	  Love you, Rosie- you'll do great <3


Read it all
          We are true friends
          We ride together, we die together
          Send this everybody you care about, including me, if you
          See how many times you get this.
          I want you to know you are an amazing friend, till death and forever.
          If I don't get this back I understand.
          But I have a game for you.
          Once you read this letter. You must send this to 15 people including me.
          If you get at least 3 back, you are loved.
          Nobody knows how important something is, until you lose it.
          Tonight (right at 12:00pm) the person you love will realize they love you.
          Then, at 1:00pm to 2:00pm, be ready for the shock of your life.
          If you break this chain, you will have bad luck.
          With love, send this to the 15.
          If you don't you will turn ugly in one year.
          A friend told me to do this, so pass it on.
          Tomorrow Two boys/girls will ask if they can have your number.
          Send this message to 15 nice people or bad luck starts for a whole year.
          This is not fake.


Currently having an early quarter-life crisis :)


            Awww, thank you <3
            How's everything going?


@ShortSassyCuteClassy I'm so late but OMG!!! You're the sweetest!!


            Ahhh, understood.
            Honestly, I feel that way despite having (more or less) mapped it out and I'm not even in 11th. 
            Having a plan doesn't mean you won't feel lost. In fact, I suppose you feel worse because you have the plan, and motivation, but lack energy. And it seems like your fault. It's not. 
            Your plan will change. A lot of times. But try and explore as much as possible because the more you do eliminate now, the easier it'll be to find that final piece.
            It's not easy.
            Take it slow.
            Right now, it's casual. Just some fun. Have FUN. It's your future. And the world is your oyster. 
            Moreover, start as soon as possible. Don't ask about others' plans because if they're smart they won't reveal it and you'll get no where. Ask you help, if you feel as though you need it- your good friends will help you out. They'll guide you step by step and never leave your side.
            I swear. 
            Don't ask, don't tell is the motto.
            Don't ask them, don't tell them.
            It places a sort of judgement on you. A burden, perhaps.
            I've always been told not to disclose such information regarding my future just in case.
            Succeed- that's great. They'll know. They'll always find out. 
            But if you fail, or you encounter a major setback, this world is cruel, and people are judgemental, and they will judge you so hard you'll spontaneously combust. 
            I'm exaggerating but you know what I mean, right?
            Take *clap* It *clap* Easy *clap*
            You can do it.
            I know you can.
            Hell, YOU know you can!
            Love you, Rosie- you'll do great <3


Permission to scream? I joined this platform as a 14-year-old, and now I'm seventeen. AHHHHHHHHHHHH


            I think I'll be fine :D
            And I promise if I do, I'll ask you, yeah?


@-wylanvansunshine It's a cute and funny storyyyy


Hey, guys? I'm deleting all my stories because I never finished them lol. Also, O/Ls are over- it's so weird, but I don't think I want to immerse myself in fake realities too much since I actually have a good life now. I'll drop in from time to time, but I suppose this is goodbye for now <3


            HOW DID I NOT SEE THIS?
            But yes, they're over and I think I did decent?
            Need to do better in my Progression test, though. 
            Nothing below 90 *huffs*


            Have fun!
            My exams have been going on but at least they'll end this monday. I can't wait for it to be over.


Hai Niveaa! It's your new follower, David wifeyy =D
          "Do you really think there's any value in the act of living? "


@Nethumee Go snog David or something


@Nethumee Broski let's wait until O/Ls are done with to loiter on Wattpad again




@-wylanvansunshine O/Ls are over. I'm happy, my life's good. I'm doing amazing overall. Sri Lanka's a disaster, but it's not too bad now.
            I apologise that my message is so abrupt. I don't have much to say. Sunny's doing good, and I'm grateful that you're happy for my winning competitions <3
            Drop your Instagram. I'll check in with you whenever I can. I'm not too active on social media, though.
            Take care, then!


@-ireneadler I'm suuuuuper stressed oml. O/Ls are in 47 days and I've been studying my arse off, BUT I LOOK LIKE A WRECK BECAUSE I GOT SO MUCH PIMPLES AND RASHES BECAUSE OF STRESS. I'll take care of them after O/Ls lmao
            Remember Sunny? That best friend I said moved abroad? She's having her O/Ls in 37 days, too, so we're both hyping each other up haha
            I climbed up from the class last to average in a few weeks ayyyyy now I only gotta go above average. OH AND I WON A NATIONAL SCI-FI STORY WRITING CONTESTTTTT THE NEXT ROUND IS HELD AFTER O/LS, I THINK
            Anyways, how are you? Sorry I went on that rant lmao


@-CHIGIRIHYOMA- omg hiiiiii rosie yes it has how are you


Okay so Ordinary Levels (that's equivalent for Harry Potter's O.W.L.s in my country, for you Potterheads) are in four months, so I'm going to have to keep all my books on hold until they're over with


Coming back online on this platform makes me nostalgic for the quarantine time when I spent all day every day on here