Imma rob someone for their aesthetic


I found old drafts of stories I was gonna create but I ended up not posting them and I’m glad that I didn’t posted them because… They was like super cringe and now looking at them I wonder what was going on in little me mind.

I’ve never wanted to kms this bad before idk what I was thinking when I made those

Imagine not almost getting your wrist broken today I AM ON THE VERGE OF TEARS LITERAL TEARS BECAUSE OF THE PERSON WHO DID THIS TO ME

Pretty sure I’m gonna break a bone this year cause like I keep hurting myself like how a stool just fell on the back of my foot and I scraped my middle finger in the process

I just spent two and a half an hour reading scenarios cause I wish that was me in it

Hey bestie uwu

Ur a dream Stan

Yuannaoi>>>>> any other art I’ve seen