would u guys want to follow my insta LOL #selfpromo


sooo.. does anyone still play idv 


i still play ut


quit cause I have no more storage


been inactive lately srry i’ve been busy these past couple days and plus my internet is gone so i might quit idk anyways how r u guys doing? 


@StrangeAsHell nice pretty tired tbh


is it just me or i have no more motivation to play idv anymore, like i only play it if my friends are online so we can try out new survs/etc. i got into idv for like 4-5 months and its getting boring now. i might quit for a bit but ill only come back for crossovers n stuff, hunter matches have been stressful lately due to cipher rush, and i rarely rank as a surv anymore cuz usually my teamates just throw lmao


No it's not just u, idv sucks rn, don't push ur self into playing it