
Just realized I plugged my AO3 twice in my bio, one of them with typo no less
          	Anyway, update it because I realized it was a bit outdated. Nothing major, just a few edits. Most of it’s the same. 
          	- 11:15 p.m.


lol think I’m sick. Or going to be
          We’ll see if I get motivation to write what I’ve been working on
          How long have I been saying that with little to show for it?
          I’m tired and dizzy if you can’t tell
          - 11:09 p.m. Also, just realized I have 77 works. Like, ik most of them are basically just shitposts, but still


I don’t like how the word “furniture” has a verb form. Like, in and of itself, the word “furnish” is fine. But then you remember what it really is - furniture as a verb - and I don’t like it anymore. 
          - 12:50 p.m. “Furniture” doesn’t feel like a word anymore


Just finished reading something, then I saw there was a sequel (knew there was but forgot because I was distracted with the story). The original had a happy ending. The sequel has the major character death warning (the original did too but). I do not trust fanfiction authors and I am scared. 
          There is a third part (although unfinished and it hasn’t been updated in seven years) and it also has the major character death tag. I really don’t trust fanfic authors lmfao
          - 9:52 p.m. I’ll update with whether or not I was right to not trust the author for this


Okay, I wouldn’t call it evil. The character death wasn’t a surprise, he was old and was basically on hospice throughout until he died. It was sad, but not an intense fight scene or anything. But it was more of a transitional piece between 1 and 2… and I still don’t trust authors. 
            - 10:48 p.m.


I’m reading something that the author has been very clear that there will be a bad ending, and they put a warning at the chapter where it starts to get bad and like… god I’m not ready for it. Am I going to read it anyway? Yeah, but this post is just mental preparation
          - 5:49 p.m. wish me luck


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            Oh shit
            - 8:43 p.m. I didn’t cry, but it was intense


It just started raining so hard that it’s hard to hear my YouTube. Like, bruh… I like the rain and storming, but chill a little
          - 5:25 p.m.


Okay it chilled now
            - 5:42 p.m.


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Okay it’s actually raining really fucking hard Jesus
            - 5:27 p.m.


Posted as the time changed


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I don’t have a sleep schedule to begin with, but now it’s just… royally fucked to start. Ignore the time this was posted, it’s totally irrelevant… shh
          - 3:36 a.m. btw the song Pure as a Lamb by Baby Bugs is so good (warning for a very sensitive topic though)