
. new book? Named "Results"!! Look For It Next Month:3
          	Alex is pregnant at nineteen. It's a little girl; her name will be Lexia. Her father... well, that's the big problem. Alex doesn't know who Lexia's father is. She's had a few boyfriends here and there... with some sexual moments... But there are three in particular. Lucas, Louis and Dylan. When Alex's friends pressure her to do a DNA test with a cotton swab, but three questions. What will the results say? Who's Lexia's biological father? Is it even one of the main three exes?
          	boom , guyz.
          	:3 ©May of 2015? yez
          	פפ, mars|zhamariah


. new book? Named "Results"!! Look For It Next Month:3
          Alex is pregnant at nineteen. It's a little girl; her name will be Lexia. Her father... well, that's the big problem. Alex doesn't know who Lexia's father is. She's had a few boyfriends here and there... with some sexual moments... But there are three in particular. Lucas, Louis and Dylan. When Alex's friends pressure her to do a DNA test with a cotton swab, but three questions. What will the results say? Who's Lexia's biological father? Is it even one of the main three exes?
          boom , guyz.
          :3 ©May of 2015? yez
          פפ, mars|zhamariah


Motel 6 made me fart, cry (being literal), laugh and want to fall in a 274817 foot deep hole... And I definitely wanted to do all of those in the final chapter... I'm still crying and farting and wanting to fall in that 274817 foot deep hole right now (still being literal)
          i love your profile pictures, i love your darn name and most of all i love your book(: THE FEELS RIGHT NOW.