
Hey Guys!!! I'm Backkkk!!!! I'm editing one of my Clouis books (Please, Say You Won't Let Go- I'm currently on chapter 7) and then after I'm going to start publishing some new works! I know it's been a VERY long time and Wattpad has kinda fizzled out now so I'm just gonna be doing this for fun. Start conversations with me! Comment on my things! I love interacting with others in welcome spaces!


Hey Guys!!! I'm Backkkk!!!! I'm editing one of my Clouis books (Please, Say You Won't Let Go- I'm currently on chapter 7) and then after I'm going to start publishing some new works! I know it's been a VERY long time and Wattpad has kinda fizzled out now so I'm just gonna be doing this for fun. Start conversations with me! Comment on my things! I love interacting with others in welcome spaces!


Hey yall. So, I'm still alive and doing okay. I took a break from writing because of school but I'm back now and I have some plans. Firstly, I want to go through both of my twdg books and touch up any grammatical mistakes and finish the one book that's still incomplete. When I'm done doing those, I want to republish my third twdg book or I can begin on a Reddie (It) ship book. Whatever is preferred ig I'll do just lmk. But yeah, those are my plans for the next few weeks. I'm glad to be back :)


@-Clouis- yea! glad to see you back


And your story clouis? You deleted?


@Larika6 I did delete "Forever and Always" because the format was giving me a lot of trouble and I couldn't post on it without complications so I deleted it and transferred the storyline and the books contents to another book named "I'll love you always and forever." So, if you were interested in "Forever and Always" It's still up, it's just under a different name and a different cover picture :)


Should I continue "Please say you won't let go" in the singular book it's in or should I create another book as like a part 2 to that storyline but focus more on the future?


@Nate2clutch i looked into it and tongue reconstruction/prosthetics after a partial glossectomy. he'd have happen upon a community like the commonwealth or similar place to find someone with the training and the facilities, but it's possible.


I need you to where Louis can get prosthetic tongues


Hey guys! It's been kinda long since I've posted anything. I didn't want to post another update in my book so I'm posting it here. In regards to my most recent book, "Please, Say You Won't Let Go," I want to say for now I am going to take a long break on that book and I'm going to be working on a new book (maybe a few idk). I'm leaving my other book on pause because I don't want to end it just in case I have another idea where I can continue the storyline. So for now, I will be working on a new Clouis book.


@Roque6 I hope you like them so far! Thank you!! :)


@-Clouis- I’m new here so I’m looking forward to your books :D 