
//Hey, y'all can you go follow one of my bestfriends- @-mxdnxghtstxrs get her to 850 by Chrsitmassss!!


Aria grinned and came up behind Coal, hugging her. //What's their pronouns?//


@-CoalCaswell "what do you wanna do now?"


@_TheMagicSquad_ She giggles softly, unwrapping a piece of candy eating it.


There's no turning back after you read this. Trust me this will put a smile on your face. Every night someone thinks about you at least 15 people in the world love you. The only reason someone whatever hate it. Was because they want to be you. There are two types of people in this world that are which for you and that are against you. 
          [You mean the world is someone. Someone you don't even know loves you. Every time you make a mistake good comes out of it. Whenever you think the world has turned against you. Turn around. Remember the compliments someone has given you and not the rude things. ☺]
          So if you're a loving friend, send this to fifteen people (including the one who sent it to you :D) Something good will happen between noon and 4 pm tomorrow it could be anywhere. Get ready for the biggest shock of your life. Send this to 15 people. make someone's day. Help someone out! Remember that you are loved! ☺
          F-ight for you
          R-expect you
          E-ncourage you
          N-eed you
          D-eserve you
          S-ave you
          (If you get four back you're like, if you get 7 back you're loved, if you get 15 back you're amazing!)


"Coal!!" She rushed up to Coal and grinned, hugging them. //What's their pronouns rn?//


Aria grinned and came up to Coal from behind. "Hey Coal!" (What bracelet(s) are Coal wearing rn so I don't mess up her pronouns -w-)


@-CoalCaswell (oof sorry I didn't get the notification)
            Aria smiled slightly and hugged her.


@_TheMagicSquad_ Coal dragged Aria over to her bunk and pushed her down cuddling up next to her.


Aria was looking in the Restricted Sectiom when she noticed Coal.


Coal strolled through the forbidden section of the library like it was normal to have snuck in there without  a note from a teacher.


@_TheMagicSquad_ Brielle shrugged, "I dunno. But i have to go find it. Bye!", she waved and ran out of the library


@moon_roleplay "what spell did they even do to make your broomstick like that all day?" Aria questioned.


@moon_roleplay //I'm back for a bit//