
aaaaaaand i'm back for a well known birthday where they give presents to each other instead of the birthday boy. Very sad but at least we get presents.


          Vio: bIcH!! 
          Shadow: I'm so sorry he's high!!!


            Vio: Haha, I like your words Magic Man!! Hahaha


@VIO_101 Buddy, this meter made me QUIZZY, so It's time for METER take a nap.


Heya humans, if you find this site o WEBs, and ya feelin' pretty empty... just know that is is the right place for nobodies to be, because... well-Tibia honest... NOBODY is actually here. It's just about memes... if I'm feelin' particularly motivated today.
          If only my PAW-some bro, paps was here....


*Thanks. Now we can be TRES-friends. I guess I'll follow you right back. Ya know... the web way and not the stalkerish way... unless you're doing something bad... then you might have a PRO-blem.


            Vio: my friend we have followed you because of your hilarious puns!!! We do hope we can be good friends. 
            Shadow: yeah y'all are hilarious!! 