
Your gay.
          	Pass it on.


this message may be offensive
I want to cry, but I just don't have time for it
          I need to vent, vocally, but I don't want to bother my already busy friends
          I wish for my space alone, quite me time, but something always comes up and im in the wrong
          Im wrong. I need to fix it. Get over it. Give me your phone. Give me your laptop. Give me your only escape from me. Also, do the dishes. I have a headache, go talk to someone else. Stop picking on your sister, she has a headache. Bitch. Fucking pig. Take off those damn headphones for once. Listen to me when im talking. Pay attention to me. Me, me, me.
          Im just done with everything
          All of it
          Im done
          But nooo
          Day after day
          The same shit, insults thrown in occasionally
          I just want to cry, but then she'll berate me for not going to sleep when I should've.
          Please, just make it fucking stop for once.