I just had an evil idea. I am gonna make a chibi army you can request any fandom or certain time/outfit. Preferably anime but I will also add Stranger Things and FNAF. I need characters to draw, I will make a book to post all of them.


I just wanted to stop in and say thank you for following and sticking around with me I appreciate it!!

Itachi on your background tho

Thank you for the follow… and happy birthday

Hello to all you lovely people out there. I was wondering if any of you had the time, to say Happy Birthday to me. You don't have to but thanks ♥︎

@Iliveforspace Thanks, I had a really crappy birthday yesterday just needed something to get me though the day. And you two really help so I thank you. ^⁷^

Your entire bio is LITERALLY my entire life like wtf-

Omg I hit 100 thanks guys :]

So I was watching a video and in the comments we were talking about how gacha heat was gonna get rid of Gacha. Then some one replied to my comment and told me too stop hating on Gacha heat. Like bro your making porn with a kids game. (;´༎ຶД༎ຶ`)