me sweating bc i have like 3 VERY different fics in my drafts that are all unfinished 


actually, in honor of her discontinuation, I’m gonna put out two of the completed but not perfected or edited chapters that I had unpublished. they’re super short and crappy but something is better than nothing I guess.


wow okay so apparently I lied guys. school got waaaaay crazy and cut off my writing time yet again and if i’m so honest, mcr isn’t a huge part of my life like it used to be and I don’t have a ton of motivation to write about it. i’m really sorry to the like two people who always read dolonia and kept up with it slightly, but it’s discontinued until further notice. I have some started projects for other stuff but with how school is going, I have ZERO idea as to if I’ll actually go through with them  happy 2024 and I really want to try and write more this year. love you all <3


hi everyone, I’m so sorry for sort of disappearing for a few weeks. I’ve been in a writing slump and have been super busy with the start of this semester. I’m still on daily, but just am not super in the mood to write. dolonia isn’t on a long hold, I promise; I just need a little time to recoup and get back into the writing mindset while still balancing school and work :) 
            love you all <3