
this message may be offensive
Für die Crybabies unter uns♡
          	~Etwas unter uns Crybabies♡~
          	CRYBABY was born in the DOLLHOUSE. There she met the ALPHABET BOY who gave her a TEDDY BEAR. Cry Baby thought the Teddy wants to kill her, so she called MRS. POTATO HEAD to make him nicer. When she was 6 years old, she made a Party with them and called it her PITY PARTY. The GINGERBREAD MAN made her a CAKE, which they ate. The alphabet boy gave her a ticket for the carnival. She felt in love with him, and told him this at the CAROUSEL. Then she wanted to wash her mouth out with SOAP, cause she was embarrassed. But he was glad of her, and they played TAG, YOU'RE IT. Later, when Cry Baby was 15, alphabet boy had a girlfriend, so cry baby thought "He is DEAD TO ME"..she was really sad and ate and drank only MILK AND COOKIES. Cry Baby had enough, cause she knew, that alphabet boy only loves her. She hated the whining of the other bitch. She wanted the boy to PACIFY HER. But he didn't. Cry Baby had enough of his BITTERSWEET TRAGEDY. Later, he had a date with cry baby. She was suprised. But she found out, it was only a PLAY DATE. She wanted to be his friend. His love. His TRAININGS WHEELS. But he played with her, and he broke her heart. So, she swallowed pills. The and died. She came to a place called "Wonderland", and there she met the MAD HATTER, who was _her_ training wheels.
          	The End.


this message may be offensive
Für die Crybabies unter uns♡
          ~Etwas unter uns Crybabies♡~
          CRYBABY was born in the DOLLHOUSE. There she met the ALPHABET BOY who gave her a TEDDY BEAR. Cry Baby thought the Teddy wants to kill her, so she called MRS. POTATO HEAD to make him nicer. When she was 6 years old, she made a Party with them and called it her PITY PARTY. The GINGERBREAD MAN made her a CAKE, which they ate. The alphabet boy gave her a ticket for the carnival. She felt in love with him, and told him this at the CAROUSEL. Then she wanted to wash her mouth out with SOAP, cause she was embarrassed. But he was glad of her, and they played TAG, YOU'RE IT. Later, when Cry Baby was 15, alphabet boy had a girlfriend, so cry baby thought "He is DEAD TO ME"..she was really sad and ate and drank only MILK AND COOKIES. Cry Baby had enough, cause she knew, that alphabet boy only loves her. She hated the whining of the other bitch. She wanted the boy to PACIFY HER. But he didn't. Cry Baby had enough of his BITTERSWEET TRAGEDY. Later, he had a date with cry baby. She was suprised. But she found out, it was only a PLAY DATE. She wanted to be his friend. His love. His TRAININGS WHEELS. But he played with her, and he broke her heart. So, she swallowed pills. The and died. She came to a place called "Wonderland", and there she met the MAD HATTER, who was _her_ training wheels.
          The End.




@ prettyalian Ehm ja ich liebe dich auch xD*^*♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥


@ honigdieb  Tschuldige, aber ich kann meine Kunden nicht enttäuschen *like a bitch*


Krieg ich meinen Keks? :3
          (Tolle YouTuber in deiner Bio *-*)


@xMissxSummerx *dir einen cookie geb* auch für dich gibts einen :3


@ MisteryFear  klar doch :3 *imaginären cookie Rüber reich* (ich weiß*-*)