
          	I know... 
          	I hate me too at this present moment...
          	but it can't be helped.
          	@Qwerty-Blonde has taken an effective break on 'Define'. 
          	I have too (in the sense that I won't be publishing for a while, but will still be working on the book). 
          	In the meantime, thank you to all the dedicated readers! I really appreciate you support- all 21 of you!
          	- Elfie x


          I know... 
          I hate me too at this present moment...
          but it can't be helped.
          @Qwerty-Blonde has taken an effective break on 'Define'. 
          I have too (in the sense that I won't be publishing for a while, but will still be working on the book). 
          In the meantime, thank you to all the dedicated readers! I really appreciate you support- all 21 of you!
          - Elfie x


Yo dudes!
          Just edited Chapter 2 of Define ('We Two') to create a little more young-lovers' tension (not giving anything away of cause!). By the way, just saw this morning that Define has received over 100 reads! So happy that my first Wattpad novel, and first shared-novel, has so many fans. Please advertise the novel- but if you truly can't because you're so enchanted (cockiness at 100%) I'm just happy you like it.
          - @-Dream-Queens- xx


☆ NEWS ☆
          Attention all followers!!! The two latest character trailers are a 'must see'! Seriously, they have been so much fun to make over the past few days! They've sky-rocketed to my favourites! Check out Rivon's SECOND trailer and Ivor's trailer!
          @Qwerty-Blonde is working on Chapter 4 already, but publishing might be delayed as exam season is nearing. I will be editing already-posted chapters, so keep your ear to the ground ;) 
          This is @Elfler- x
          Catch you later!
          ~ @-Dream-Queens- xx