since a lot of ppl can't find my ao3 account here is a link to one of my books:
          	if it still doesn't work contact me on my Instagram @ nightwingsgirlfriend_ 


Not trying to sound pushy or anything but when is there gonna be a new chapter of Miss Executioner on ao3


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Brooo who keeps reporting your shit  like it literally happened last year fr 


You strong fr  imma keep reading your stories on Ao3 the better site obvi that wont come after you nm


@ilovemebrokenankles FRRR like wattpad seriously just hates me they don't even look into these reports and just ban me immediately without even a warning lmao


update: my new user on instagram is @ nightwingsgirlfriend_ if you want to contact me <333 ilyyy


i'm not rlly active on wattpad anymore for the reasons i stated below but i'm literally ALWAYS on instagram so if you want to talk to me or ask something or literally ANYTHING you can find me there


I LOVE ALL YOUR BOOKS SM and I’m kinda mad cause how can they report your books but not do that to ybc books which are WAAAAAAAAAAY worse


@-ERENSSLUTTYWHORE- yea and I did make an ao3 acc just to read ur books, and stuff like this makes me mad cause it must take lots of time and stuff just for it to be erased for no reason? Like ppl reporting books like urs n stuff really have nth better to do or are just hating for no reason, if they didn’t like the topics shouldn’t have read in the first place, warnings were out before hand


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@GlizzyGobblin6996 RIGHT LIKE HUH?? i put mine on mature rating too and they're not even that bad like you said there's wayyy worse books with way raunchier shit


Idk if anyone will find this account but I was previously -ERENSSEXSLAVE- AND -ERENSSLUTTYWHORE- but my account was taken down again. Unfortunately this is honestly the last straw for me. Although I adore writing and I love and appreciate every single one of you who had supported me and read my books, I am simply giving up writing on wattpad. My books were set on the mature setting and I put warnings, yet people continued to report my books and my entire account was banned because of this </3
          I'm so sorry I can't continue my books on here, HOWEVER I will still be updating my books on my ao3 which is @/ MANJIROSCUMSLUT. If you would like to further contact me, my instagram  is @/ slutfornightwing


@-ERENSSLUTTYWHORE- I love your stories I was wondering what happened to your stories and your account 


@-ERENSSLUTTYWHORE- I LOVE YOUR WRITING STYLE AND YOUR BOOKS its sad to see this happening to you, I've been always on standby for any updates on your books but i fully support whatever your decision is!! I was really desperate to read your books again and find your account, luckily i managed to find your new account. I wish you the very best!! -your die hard fan <33