
Oop and I've done it again-
          	I'm switching back to my backup for a few weeks, see ya


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All those people who complain about having no friends but they ignore the shit out of the people who actually talk to them and then they post something dickish like "feel special if I still message you" or "If I still talk to you feel important" like wtf you already ignored everyone and complained about having no one? That's.. a little.. it's your own fucking fault you stupid ffffucker


            Who said it was about you? Chill I wasn't even talking about anyone on here oml


@-Falling_Leaves- unfollowing because if that's how you feel you could've said it to my face. 
            I never ignored you btw. 


Someone rp? Please just send me a starter in pm or something cause I can't think of a start


@-Falling_Leaves- ok I’m using my oc Kalmin, I’ll send you a scenario 


            Uh.. probably the last one in my random book? 


this message may be offensive
Yeah this is gonna be petty, sorry.. 
          So my sister is about seven years younger than me. She's only just now hit her Harry Potter phase and she's at that age where everything you do she's off to mum about it. 
          We're moving in about three weeks, and so we needed the space for packed boxes, so what happened? She's shipped into my room. It's not a big room, there's about half a meter between our beds. 
          She knows I have work tomorrow, in about eight hours, and so what does she do? She waits up for me to go to bed ((she's been in bed for three hours already)) and as soon as I try to sleep she starts talking about nonsense. 
          I ask her to stop, she doesn't
          I'm FuCkiNg ExHaUsTeD I just worked eight an a half hours today, so I told her to be quiet. Rudely. As siblings do. 
          So she sits there, and for half an hour, ugly sobs until dad comes in, and then days I hither
          I HAVEN'T MOVED
          And he took her side
          Now I'm in trouble
          Cause I wanted to sleep
          I'm done with my siblings.. 


Anybody want to rp? And like.. actually roleplay with me if you say you wanna.. please? 


Here and present XD