
I'm still as cringe as ever but hello~  :) 


And now I have a playlist of songs I can't listen to because every lyric reminds me of you


dEaR gOrDa
          bUtTeRfLy fOrfOLd
          We will now begin the curl up section. Ready, begiN
          uP doWN 1
          Miss manack: thiS IS HOW YOU DO IT
          You: (´º∀º`)
          Her: noT LIKE hEr, yOu cOMe uP hAlF wAy liKe hEr
          You: •∆• 


understandable have a nice day 


@Pastel_gays And she's not annoying, she doesn't even pay attention to me and sometines is nice. so hAH


Dear Richard 
          Sincerely, Carrots. 
          aLsO, as someone crusty once saiD 
          "Sad spelled backwards is das and das how it be sometimes" bHA
          Ok nOw bye