
i'm gonna make a second account to write cringey stories- just because in this account i only write very professional stories as you can obviously tell by my two stories 


i feel truly bad for the people who have idols that are 'cancelled' or just did/said.bad things. because most of the time idols are the only people that are there for you when everyone else isn't or just make you feel less alone in this cruel world. im not trying to in any way excuse something they may have done i'm just trying to say you shouldn't get mad at someone for supporting someone who made poor decisions as they may be the only reason they're still alive. 


oh and is tony lopez apart of the hype?? i feel i would not take the story as serious if he was in it though (no offense to him, just because of the jokes i hear about him so I might make up fictional characters, but i also don't know a lot of that guy so maybe- idk


If your a hype house stan can you reply to this please!!!!! i need to know the names of all the hype people because there's a story i wanna make (I'm not sure I'll even post it, i just like writing for fun sometimes...) but like I only know chase, charli, addison and I don't even know if avani was in it but her too. Can u put the rest of their names if u know plzzzz! (I think there should be two other girls but I don't know and also the names of the guys bc i don't know them but- yes plz thank u :)