Will now be posting on @-ULTXMATEKINS , follow them if you wanna see more of my writing!


this message may be offensive
Life update: People started slandering me and saying stuff like "normalize Kusaphobia" on discord and they made me fucking cry. They took this joke too far and it caused me to leave the server this was happening in, and the people who were insulting me started a groupchat, saying that i was gonna "raid the server" and "anyone who defends Kusa is getting tempbanned", what the fuck man.


this message may be offensive
i had a really fucking bad day yesterday
          first of all, i had to deal with a racist black person, i can't make this up. Basically, a white dude in our server (let's call him Edd cause that was his nickname) was posting an edit of a character made to look like those hot cheeto girls or something. Then a user named Jusy called them out, saying those edits were racist and mocking black culture. Edd said he didn't know, and Jusy demanded an apology. Edd went offline, probably busy or asleep, and Jusy went ahead and called Edd a cr*cker. 
          I started to argue because it made me mad that Jusy, being black, wants respect from Edd, who is white, but then proceeds to call him a white insult for not apologizing in time, like what the fuck. I told Jusy that it wasn't right to be rude like that, and calling white people a cr*cker was racist as well. Jusy just went ahead with their big brain and said "you can't be racist to white people."
          I was gonna fucking snap because i kept tellin them that yes, you can beracist to white people, you can be racist to anyone and everyone. THEN, THE FUCKING SERVER OWNER AGREES WITH JUSY. They started flirting with Jusy and fighting me, and at that point i was LIVID.
          I told them to fuck themselves and that they're all racist asshole then left that shitty server. I m ashamed that I spent months in that server thinking everyone was nice, especially the server owner, Nate, and then they're all fucking racist.


warning: DO NOT join a server named KINMART. This all happened there and they will not hesitate to laugh at you for "defending a racist" who just didn't know those edits were racist.
            Also, DO NOT join a server called ANGEL. They let racists and homophobes run free, and it's the top voted server right now.


Happy birthday to the March babes!
          Toko Fukawa - Mar 3 (Danganronpa)
          Hiyoko Saionji - Mar 9 (Danganronpa)
          Chihiro Fujisaki - Mar 14 (Danganronpa)
          Chiaki Nanami - Mar 14 (Danganronpa)
          Kaede Akamatsu - Mar 26 (Danganronpa)
          Qiqi - Mar 3 (Genshin Impact)
          Jean - Mar 14 (Genshin Impact)
          Noelle - Mar 21 (Genshin Impact)

