"Uraraka, huh? I didn't think you were the type to become a villain." The dark haired hero shook her head, "It's a shame- your Quirk would be useful in the hero world. Your talents are put to waste like this."

@-GRAVITYDEFYING Kamia rolled her eyes, "I was being sarcastic." No, she wasn't. She wanted a costume like that, dammit- her white one stuck out like a sore thumb when she patrolled at night. "And yeah, Deku is a little overly shonen-y, isn't he?" This conversation was getting to comfortable. "So, why are you here? Are you going to kill me? Take me prisoner? What?" She asked, getting into a fighting stance. "Because either way, you won't succeed. It's hopeless, Uraraka. And who knows what your parents will do when they learn where their retirement fund is really coming from?"

@-Stxtic “ / deku / did nothing. I just got away from him because he was too much to even look at, ” she said blankly as she averted her attention from the other, pursing her lips as she did so. “ being a villain is so much.. / easier /. I can get money whenever I want! no rules to follow, no lives to pay attention to. anyone who gets in the way is just looking for a death wish. ” uraraka turned to the taller female and tugged at the cuff of her sleeve. “ aw, thanks! yaoyorozu helped me make it before I decided to become a villain instead. she’s the best, isn’t she? it was something we just tossed into my dresser because it was too dark.. but now, I think it looks great! thank yaoyorozu for this, ” she said with a grin, giggling in response to the comment.

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@-GRAVITYDEFYING Kamia rolled her eyes, "Parents this, parents that. They're all full of shit in the end." She braced herself for a fight, pulling her nearly black hair into a messy ponytail behind her head. "What's wrong with Deku? He just wanted to be with Bakugo, is all..." Not that she would admit it out loud, but Bakugo and Deku getting together had hurt. A lot. But she wasn't like Uraraka- she wasn't going to let herself get dragged into the dark by her emotions alone. "Like the new costume."