Merry Christmas lovess!!<33


Heyy guys!! So apparently "burning hearts" just reached the 1k reads!! I'm always grateful for each reader and I just want to say thank you<33 And since I'm not really updating the book, I'll be posting some chapters pretty soon for the people who still read it (but I highly doubt that lol). Also, it's finally Christmas break!! yayayaya


hey pooks! you good? haven't heard from you in ages lmao


@marriedtokyloren I'm good ty pooks! I've been studying for maths tests (8th grade will be the death of me) 


Heyy love!! I’m doing good, thx for asking<33 I just lost motivation to write, sooo it feels like im taking a very long break lmao. How are you btw?


chat how do you move on from a talking stage...


@-GROUP1EL0VE thats craaaaazzzzzyyyyyyy lol


@adelany2022 hmm well we're in no contact, hope it stays like that lmao


@-GROUP1EL0VE ask the guy or girl to meet up if you havent already, if your like in the same school or do like clubs or something together kinda be physical with them like grab their hand or touch their arm in a playful way. and if all of that fails ask them the questions 
            "what are we" 
            if they say that you are good friends, ehhh maybe move on from them


I forget I still have this account lmaoo


@marriedtokyloren DWW LOVE, I'LL NEVER DO THAT


I hate boys sm, why can't they just communicate!!


@-GROUP1EL0VE realest thing ive seen all day!!


@-GROUP1EL0VE frrr, bro told me to to watch where i'm walking BUT HE WALKED INTO ME AND I WAS CARRING 15KGS OF SKL STUFF im acc glad i go to a girls skl, going to co-ed in london is really scary