elloello! i am truly sorry for the long and overdue apology! i haven't been able to update my books because i've been so extremely busy with school, haha! but rest assured, updates will come soon. again, i am so sorry for the lack of updates/communication and such!


elloello! i am truly sorry for the long and overdue apology! i haven't been able to update my books because i've been so extremely busy with school, haha! but rest assured, updates will come soon. again, i am so sorry for the lack of updates/communication and such!


elloello! i've just published a new book! I really look forward to writing this book cause attack on titan has such a big part in my heart <3 it's also my only way of coping with season 4 right now so :D i hope you guys enjoy reading, the first few chapters are short but they're mostly general information and stuff :P i also got inspiration for formats and stuff from other authors like @-ACKERWH0RE because i absolutely love her books lol. anyways, this is getting really long. happy reading guys :P


@-TAESSPRINGS Ikr. Wish that we could all meet up again sometime


@Sunarin_1402 :P it's been so long :P


@-TAESSPRINGS Yo Hannah, its Iman. Nice to see youre writing a book 


hello to anybody who reads my books! i'm going through a busy period right now and haven't had time to update and such :( i've lost interest in the books too so for now, i've unpublished them and when i do get back into it, i'll release them again!