of course i remember you! i get notifications from you the most, smile every time i see them! i appreciate the support a ton, it’d be hard to forget i can spare a few writing tips (which helped me grow a lot because CHANGE was kind of messy and FRENEMIES needs a lot of editing). anyways, i wont gatekeep. my biggest advice would be to stay flexible with your writing. there’s no need to overcomplicate things BUT underdoing it wont help improvement either. so, make room for movement. sometimes ideas come late and you have to go back for things— which is completely fine! i do it all the time. don’t stress out about it, edit as much as you need or want to make it a story YOU enjoy but that other can also enjoy. i’d also advise to aim for things that will come unexpected. surprise people! and ofc, know your audience. another thing i’ll say is to definitely make a rough draft for every chapter and then edit at least once or twice before actually being satisfied with it. use every ounce of imagination. i like to write out my ideas for the chapter, make it simple at first. then edit and throw things in here and there, then finally go over the whole thing, fixing grammar and such, and finding better wording. i personally don’t like to be repetitive with one word for at least two paragraphs, i spend more time on google looking for synonyms than actually writing