
So I worked from 7 am. to 3 pm. this morning. My boss came buy and asked me if I could work the night shift for a week. I went home at 3 pm. and just got into work at 11 pm. I have not slept since 5 am. on Monday and will not get off until 7 am. Tuesday, all on no sleep and no food. I finally know what it's like to be an Amazon warehouse employee. XD


So I worked from 7 am. to 3 pm. this morning. My boss came buy and asked me if I could work the night shift for a week. I went home at 3 pm. and just got into work at 11 pm. I have not slept since 5 am. on Monday and will not get off until 7 am. Tuesday, all on no sleep and no food. I finally know what it's like to be an Amazon warehouse employee. XD


I am almost done with chapter 1 of the book I am working on. It's based around the place I live, and the main character is named after an old friend of mine. If you haven't checked it out, go take a look at the Prologue in my Book Input 


I've been working on a boon project, and I wanna know what you all think. I've already gotten an actual copyright pending for this specific idea since I do want to publish this. It's still very much so in the writing phase, working on the first chapter and am wanting to have around 5,000 words for each chapter aside from the prologue. The prologue is what I'm gonna be posting for your input.