
((Sorry I haven't been on! I'm at my dads house this week and usually he takes meh phone. So won't be on until Friday/Saturday.  Sorry! -Myst))


@-HoneySenpai- RIP.
          	  ILL BE WAITING ;-;


((Sorry I haven't been on! I'm at my dads house this week and usually he takes meh phone. So won't be on until Friday/Saturday.  Sorry! -Myst))


@-HoneySenpai- RIP.
            ILL BE WAITING ;-;


((Sorry I was gone most of the day, today was an adventure. Me and my girlfriend went to the mall, ran around target and got escorted out, then we baught little skates and skated around the mall. Ummmm. We got stopped by Mall Security because we were "creating a ruckus" and yeahhh. 
          WiFi also sucks over here so yup