
          	I ‘ M
          	P U L L I N G 
          	A N 
          	A L L 
          	N I G H T E R
          	O N
          	M Y 
          	M A I N
          	K I L L 
          	M E
          	P L E A S E


Honeycomb’s weirdest lines in @Positive_Dreaming ‘s (aka me) newest animation series.
          *singing* “Go away! Go away! No body likes you anyway! Go away! Go away! I hope you die without delay!”
          “Awe.. you’re hurting? Good. You deserve it I bet. Why did you think I’d care anyway?”
          “Okay I’m going to make sure everyone is here. Ink, Dream, Blueberry, Lust, Error, Scary Pedophile, Minty, Hunter, June, Bliss... Awe darn I counted someone twice.” 
          “Fishy fishy fishy fishy fishy fishy squid. Ew go away Ink.”


“All I Want For Christmas? Oh that’s that right? Okay um what I want is Cinder’s like be and admiration. But I mean I won’t get that ever.”


            “Nah you’re good, still new to this kind of stuff. I’ve never really been “in love” before so this is a new experience.” He pats Cinder’s head gently.


            Honey kisses back before pulling away “Alright Fine I guess you love me.”


Honeycomb on a daily basis:
          “Shut up all of you.”
          “Do I look like I care?”
          “Just go away.”
          “Will you stop messing with me?”
          “Dude stop.”
          “*angry buzzing*”
          “Stop flirting with me I don’t like you. I already like Cinder.”
          “Don’t touch me!”
          “Put me down!”


“Love is for idiots...”
          “Love is for idiots...”
          “Love is for idiots...”
          “Love is for idiots...”
          “Love is for idiots...”
          “Love is for idiots...”
          “Love is for idiots...”
          “Love is for idiots...”
          “I’m an idiot...”


            “A cute idiot...” he repeats it the same way.


            Honey mumbles “a cute idiot...”


B u r n
          I n
          T h e
          D e p t h s
          O f
          D e s p a i r .
          Or don’t idc either way :D


Hi! I took over this account -w-


R.I.P Willow
          You were a good friend and even better best friend. We’ll all miss you.


            I'm sorry that happened.. 
            I'm praying for her.. 


            No you aren’t dumb.
            It’s okay...
            She was my friend and my best friend’s sister. 
            She died a little while ago from blunt force trauma..
            I just want to pay respects..
            She had an account on here it was @-slithering_serpent- 
            We’ll all miss her...