
Me: Yeah I’ll come back to Wattpad to roleplay. 
          	Also me: hehe Twitter rp go brrrr 
          	So yeah, I’ve mainly been on Twitter, sorrryyyy~ 


[ @-Hyrule_Hero- ]
          	  hi! and it's fine, im the same except im on discord :') hope everything's been well! <3


          	  I’m glad to hear from you! I hope everything is good! 


Me: Yeah I’ll come back to Wattpad to roleplay. 
          Also me: hehe Twitter rp go brrrr 
          So yeah, I’ve mainly been on Twitter, sorrryyyy~ 


[ @-Hyrule_Hero- ]
            hi! and it's fine, im the same except im on discord :') hope everything's been well! <3


            I’m glad to hear from you! I hope everything is good! 


I’m alive, I swear! 
          I’ve been spending most of my time on Discord & Twitter though, so if you’re interested in keeping in touch, feel free to check me out @ LucielaGames on Twitter, or if you want my roleplay Twitter, my main one is @ ChildOfUroboros ! 


[ @-Hyrule_Hero- ]
            this is late but okay! :)


I may return to roleplaying soon, but I’m very picky and don’t want anything romantic/sexual ot anything like that. Just a “simple” adventure/D&D inspired roleplay. 


Did someone eat D&D style roleplays? @-Hyrule_Hero-


Uh oh, stinky. Guess who’s still here? 


[ @-Hyrule_Hero- ]
            hey! also, im here too lol


@-Hyrule_Hero- I am too. But I lurk in the shadows


I’m not mean nor am I stinky. I am the kindest individual to ever live and I shower every day! You’re stinky and you’re a meany-bo-beanie. Checkmate. Rip bozo. L. Seethe. Cope. Mald. 


I have permanently moved to Discord as of a month ago. I appreciate the good times and interests on my roleplays, but it’s time I moved on to a more stable platform. If you’d like to continue roleplays, feel free to add me on Discord at Lu#1317 . Otherwise, I wish you all a wonderful day! 


            Get... I haven't been able to really add you on Discord. I miss you. 


            You were one of the few remaining great Wattpad Roleplayers. I salute you and thank you for your years of dedicated service to this application/website


[ @-Hyrule_Hero- ]
            aw, okay then! bye! take care of yourself and stay healthy! <3 (i know that we added each other on discord already but shhh, i just wanted to reply)


I do sincerely apologize for the long delay, many things in real life came up after my last announcement, so I took some time to handle them first. 
          As it stands right now, I am (obviously) slowly moving away from Wattpad. Some of my longest Roleplays have been moved to Discord, where I am most active. If you’d prefer to roleplay with me on there, simply send me a DM (or comment on a current roleplay of ours in my/your book) and I’ll provide you with my Discord Tag. I cannot promise that I will reply more frequently on there, but I will do my best! 


[ @-Hyrule_Hero- ]
            nah , it's fine :]


The time has come… The moment I never wanted to embrace. 
          As of 9:45 PM on September 22, 2021, my grandfather, Andrew Gerst, has passed on. I will be restricting myself to close friends and family for the days to come, and will not be participating in many, if any, group activities. 
          Please give me time to deal with this loss, and to heal from the major loss in my family. 
          Thank you. 


@-Hyrule_Hero- take all the time you need Lu. I'm sorry for your loss and I hope that you are able to take care even during the this time in healing 


@-Hyrule_Hero- I’m sorry to hear for your loss, take all the time you need 


@-Hyrule_Hero- Im sorry for your loss. Take your time to grieve and recover. You need some time to yourself. We are here to support and help you.