I started a Twitter account related to this one!! I intend to mostly goof off there, post my silly writing process, and upload shorter stories that are too stupid to post here. I don't deny that I'll probably thirst a lot, too. If you want to be friends, I'd really appreciate the support you could give me by dropping a follow! You can follow me @jeagerslut <3


I started a Twitter account related to this one!! I intend to mostly goof off there, post my silly writing process, and upload shorter stories that are too stupid to post here. I don't deny that I'll probably thirst a lot, too. If you want to be friends, I'd really appreciate the support you could give me by dropping a follow! You can follow me @jeagerslut <3


this message may be offensive
y'all my mental health is shit asf rn and I'm trying to get back on track so I've got some news:
          -"stfu" is going on a small hiatus
          - i will fully put my attention on "celebrations with childe" so that i can finish it asap
          -after I'm done with my childe ff i will start an eren fanfic which I've had the idea for a long time
          -i've got another two ffs in the works: a kenma ff and a diluc ragvindr ff 
          please bare with me and my mental health situation and i promise I'll come back better than ever !! ily <3


@-JEAGERSLUT take care =^^= we appreciate you <3


@leahrintarou thank you, i appreciate it!


It's been a year daddy, 
          I really really miss you. 
          Mommy says your safe now, 
          In a beautiful place called heaven. 
          We had your favorite dinner tonight, 
          I ate it all up. 
          Even though I don't like carrots. 
          I learned how to swim this summer. 
          I can even open my eyes, 
          While I'm under water.. 
          Can't you see me? 
          I started kindergarten this year, 
          I carry a picture of us 
          In my Blue's Clues lunchbox.. 
          You are the greatest daddy.! 
          I can swing on the swing by myself. 
          Even though I miss you pushing me.
          kaedelovesyou Can't you see me? 
          I miss how you used to tickle me.. 
          Tickle my belly. 
          My belly hurts... 
          I try not to cry, 
          Mommy says it's okay! 
          I know you don't like it when I cry. 
          You never wanted me to be sad. 
          I try Daddy but it hurts..! 
          Is it true you're not coming home? 
          Maybe someday, 
          I can visit you in heaven, okay? 
          It's time for me to go bed now. 
          I sleep with the light on, 
          Just in case you come home 
          And kiss me good night. 
          I love you so much.. 
          I miss you Daddy...


@-JEAGERSLUT me when my friend doesn't reply by 0.3 milliseconds (i leave her on delivered for three weeks)


WAKE UP GENSHIN FANDOM! NEW "celebrations with childe" CHAPTER JUST DROPPED! "valentine's day" was probably the fastest chapter of the fanfiction I have written by now, but needless to say that it still took me about two days and a lot of editing of grammatical errors :< I hope you like it very much and expect at least one more chapter by the end of august (two if the universe is generous with my free time :D)
          Much love to you all!


I HAVE UPLOADED A NEW CHATFIC CHAPTER !!! "the red nails theory" IS OUT NOW! The next three or four upcoming chapters won't be chats, but will be in real life meetings! 
          What to expect:
          - a one on one irl date between suna and y/n
          - a hangout with kenma, y/n and suna
          - another hangout except with bonus friends (kuroo, bokuto, akaashi)
          Please continue to look forward to more "stfu" chapters in the near future! Thank you for the support!


its finally summer break and i finally have the time to upload!!
          uploading all of the stfu chapters i have as ideas in my drafts and starting to work on my childe fanfic so i can finish it by the end of the year oof!!!
          (once i finish these two ffs im going to start new ones; in the near future expect a kenma ff, a scaramouche ff and an eren jeager ff! thanks for the unconditional love and support on stfu! i appreciate you all very much!)


school has been so stressful to the point that its not just the fact i am demotivated to write but i do not have any time also. i will try to update the stfu chatfic with everything i have in my drafts plus a particular halloween chapter. the childe fanfic will stay on hold for now and will probably get a significant update during christmas break :(