Hey I thanks for following back! And by the way did you change your Skype name? Because I tried to follow you on Skype but it couldn't find you :/ (´つヮ⊂)
@DJ_Springtrap it's okay, and your welcome. I know what your going through some things and you need time. So go ahead and take your time, I in courage you all the way! Also what's your new Skype username?
hi! I saw your message below on your board and I just wanted yo say sorry for what's been happening to you. if I would have came sooner and we talked to each other I could have probably helped and incouraged you and makes you feel better since that's what makes me happy. you feeling happy. your happiness is my happiness so please talk yo me :3
@MilkiiSquish I was thinking about deleting this account and decided to read through everything I’ve ever wrote and everyone I’ve followed. I’m really really sorry about our past. Ive been going through a lot of mental....things and in the past I didn’t understand what was wrong with me and often took it off on everyone close to me. Your not the reason and @kirbycult your not the reason I left before either. Again I’m really really sorry. I wish yall the best.
@DJ_Springtrap *sigh* I guess she just can't see how much we care about her. just give her sometime. maybe like a month or two and give a simple hi later on. if that doesn't work, then there's nothing we can do, she's already left us for good. she should really be nice though
@DJ_Springtrap trust me I tried to talk to her, she'd ignore me and usually we would fight, and we never fight! I tried everyday to message her about her day but she'd be selfish and read the message but never reply