/ I just remembered I had this acc WHAT THE FLIP


"Hmm.. I feel like i've seen you somehwere before, but I can't place my finger on it-"


            Vel then proceeded to basically just stare at him for a few moments, trying to figure out who he was, before figuring it out. "Ah! There we go! I honestly thought you'd be taller-" She said with a snicker


@_-Velv3tteOffic14l- 」
            Lucifer arched a brow at the overlord, waiting for any spark of remembrance to hit her. Surely his own / people / had forgotten what he looked like... although it wasn't like he really cared. His people were... /awful /, to say the least anyways.


"Ah, Lucifer! Hello, my adorable 'little' brother." Azrael smiled smugly at the other, bending down to look at him at his height. 


@Az-The-_REAL_-Angel 】
                  ID:   LUCIFER MORNINGSTAR ♱
                  [    Lucifer  arched  a  brow,  his  previous  surprise  vanishing  from  his  paled  face  and  being  replaced  with  one  of  caution .  His  mind  raced  back  to  Charlie  and  her  plan  of  redeeming  sinners ..  her  plan  worked  and  Heaven  wanted  to  defy  it  by  sending  the  redeemed  back  to  Hell .  Now  that  definitely  got  the  King's  blood  boiling  rather  than  the  finger  being  oh  so  rudely  shoved  against  his  chest  by  Azrael .     ] " As  much  of  a  stuck up,  smart ass,  prick  you  can  be,  surely  there's  something  you  want  .  I  doubt  you  of  all  those  little  go  lucky  assholes  want  sinners  to  be  redeemed .  So  tell  me,  what's  the  catch ?  Don't  try  that  stupid  act  of  yours  on  me  either .  It  won't  work . "


            "Well I've come to inform you that some of your little devilspawns arrived in heaven, as redeemed angels." He said, poking the other's chest. "Well, I was actually supposed to come return them but.." He stood up straight, glancing down at him. "You already know I hate following orders." 


@Az-The-_REAL_-Angel 】
                  ID:   LUCIFER MORNINGSTAR ♱
                  [    The  Fallen  Angel  glared  daggers  at  the  taller  male,  a  sense  of  unease  and  annoyance  twisting  in  his  chest .  He  so  badly  wanted  to  wipe  that  smug  smirk  off  of  Azrael's  face,  but  he  held  himself  back  and  refrained  from  any  violence .      ] " / Azrael / .. " [    Lucifer  hissed  through  seethed  teeth,  his  intense  glare  not  once  wavering .      ] " What  do  you  want ? "