Hello guys, if any of you guys are wondering where my books went I had unpublished them. I am also restarting this account meaning that the stories from back then won't be back until I fixed my previous grammar and storyline issues. New books will also be published once I had finished writing and editing it. The stories from the past will also be slightly different from before since when I started writing, my English wasn't the best. That is all, thank you for your support from the very start of my journey.


Hello guys, if any of you guys are wondering where my books went I had unpublished them. I am also restarting this account meaning that the stories from back then won't be back until I fixed my previous grammar and storyline issues. New books will also be published once I had finished writing and editing it. The stories from the past will also be slightly different from before since when I started writing, my English wasn't the best. That is all, thank you for your support from the very start of my journey.