
Follow @LilsLuna


I'm freaking out because I have too do an dance. I'm so scared well,and I'm leaving right now I'll be there at like 8:30. And then dorm set up at 9 then dance too 10-1:30 I have too do a series of dances. Major:Dance Minor: Musical Theater. 


Guys, how do I put this I have stopped reading Fanficton and Doing RP. In a month my parents are getting a divorce. I need space so this while entire week I will not really be active or available. If you've been through this let me know and Message me. Im just 15,and I'm going into my sophomore year of high school I have no siblings. And I have nobody. Somebody if you know what this is like tell me. And if you have any advice just Message me. I cried the whole entire time I was writing this. And my parents said they might put me in foster care.