
Hey guys, so, I've decided to quit Wattpad on this account, and I'm starting a new one. I have no idea what kind of logic that is, but it's what I'm going to do. 
          	Maybe one day you'll find me maybe you won't (most likely you won't). I had a great time on this account, thank you to everyone who helped me have that happy experience. 
          	So for the last time, byeee :))


Hey guys, so, I've decided to quit Wattpad on this account, and I'm starting a new one. I have no idea what kind of logic that is, but it's what I'm going to do. 
          Maybe one day you'll find me maybe you won't (most likely you won't). I had a great time on this account, thank you to everyone who helped me have that happy experience. 
          So for the last time, byeee :))


Also, lmao, not that yall probably care, but my quote and my friend's ear is famous because it's on the official School Board's Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, and website!!!


@-KariWritez- Not really Famous, But like, People are seeing it?


Hey guys, so, for my school assignment, I won't be doing it on this account, but on my class account @Div4Writes . 
          That account isn't fully mine, so you may see other stories that aren't by me. So far, there is only one story there, which is Games Of Death. That's my assignment. Also, Jayla Palaschuk (my collaborator for Games Of Death) is my friend. 
          Thanks! >w<


@-KariWritez- You're doing it with Jayla? Kewl
