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HELLO GANG ❤️. here are some things i wish i realized a lot sooner:
if you want to do something, just go out and fucking do it. there is always going to be that one bitch (or more) that just has to chat shit about anything. and that doesn't matter what you do, it goes for everything.
if you want to start making people happy the first person you have to make happy is yourself. that's the one that matters the most. so if you want to wear something then wear it. it doesn't matter what anyone else thinks because it's not on them. if you like him then ask him out. and if he says no, who cares? it was just for the plot anyway.
stop trying to make people have a good opinion of you, that are the people who don't care enough to have an opinion of you. because the ones who matter already have a good opinion of you and the ones that don't, don't matter.
you can't fix or change someone by loving them harder. the right person will die for you. and if he doesn't like you yet, then maybe you should wait for it. ever heard of character development?
you are the people you surround yourself with. never be afraid to end toxic friendships/relationships.
don't try to fit in with the “popular” kids at school. from the ones i've dealt with, they're not okay and as perfect as you think.
live for yourself and with others. don't live for others and with yourself.
if you feel it CHASE IT. you only live once.