You liked something of mine today. When I got the notification my heart stopped, so many emotions going through my head. I was almost happy at first, that you even acknowledged my existence after all these months. But then I remembered the pain you caused me. The late night cries and mid day breakdowns. The tears the rolled out of my eyes like a storm, slow at first but then they wouldn't stop. Of course I couldn't show weakness to my family so I hid the bathroom. The tears continued flowing as I thought about you. Why did you have to go and like my video. Of course the curiosity got the best of me and I had to see what video you liked, but when I clicked the notification there was no like. An accidental like, of course, why else would you like my video. I tried to search for your name but alas you had me blocked. I wasnt surprised. I'd block me too. Whatever I did must have been pretty bad for you to hate me this much. So I'm sorry for the thousandth time for any pain I ever caused you. Sincerely, The One Who You Left Behind

@-LOVELYMESS Dear the one I left behind, Im sorry to have caused you so much pain, but I can't be friends with you anymore. The pain you have instilled in me that lingers in my fading memories, can not be restored. I'm finding myself at war, not with you but all the pain and suffering ive been through...you helped cause the chaos. I'm sorry but this will be the last message I ever send you, I would rather you not bring in your friends or family into this and send the flock after my already broken soul. I don't need anymore pain than im already dealing with. You can move on and find better friends, hopefully bettering yourself in the process. You ask why I have done this, but just say goodbye...i can't give you the answer you want anyhow. I hope you're doing well, and staying safe during this pandemic. Just because I can't be your friend anymore doesn't mean I don't still care about your health and well being. I thank you for the fun times we have had, but thinking of those times now just makes it sad. Im sorry I have caused you so much pain, but it would be better for us to just let it be and to stop messaging. Sincerely, The broken one who left you behind