// username changed, but the character remains unaltered <333 it's just because I could FINALLY think of an alias I liked for her hahaha ANYWAYS, CEEBEE OR DROP, IF YOU'D LIKE <333 there are plenty of cookies for those who do ;p


// username changed, but the character remains unaltered <333 it's just because I could FINALLY think of an alias I liked for her hahaha ANYWAYS, CEEBEE OR DROP, IF YOU'D LIKE <333 there are plenty of cookies for those who do ;p


// INFO thread <333
          * Lara Markovna Volkova
          * former RSB spy, gone rogue
          * 32 years old
          * lesbian <333
          * assassin for hire
          * entp, type 3 wing 4
          * dog person
          * loud, warm and funny
          * ...but might stab you in the back.
          * LITERALLY


this message may be offensive
// is drawn to people who are opposite of her. people who are calm and collected, kind and polite (but is delighted when they lose their shit and scream, punch or curse at something, showing her they aren't any sort of 'saint').


// she doesn't have a 'sob story', as she would say, to serve as an explanation on why she is the way she is. Lara is independent and hates creating connections ('friends become targets', that cliché speech), but funnily enough, seems to make friends quite easily, which freaks her out. she gets attached to them even if she tries not to. becomes very protective of those close to her. and yes... could and would k1ll anyone who messes with her chosen ones.


// character inspiration: VILLANELLE from KILLING EVE