
((Cb or drop something! Lets get some stuff on the go! 


"So, Zola was right. Alternate universes really do exist..."


"I could control him just fine on my own, letting him have his girlfriend just makes it easier." She said, the expression on her face making it clear she thought this was perfectly obvious. "It's called being pragmatic, why waste effort into enforcing loyalty when someone loyal to me can do it themselves?"


            “Pff sure you are Cailín beag.” She snorted a bit now. “Whose the one being the insecure one now?” She asked back mockingly at her as she was back to being stoic now. Devoid of emotions entirely, “You’re just like Skull and Pierce… And Drakov.” She said bluntly with a disgusted look on her face. “You have no clear motive and just do stupid evil things just cause it’s evil. No wonder you can’t control Rumlow without your soith.” 


"Oh trust me, I'm most definitely in charge. She's just a valuable asset.  It's interesting how much someone will listen to you when you kill their abuser. Of course, I can't undo most of her conditioning, but I can use it to my advantage."


((Time to get this started! Cb for a starter and specify mood while I try to get the mb/s fixed up! 


            / hehe angst ? this is going to be interesting


May I? Friendly or something like that? Please 


I would like a starter please.
            Betrayal please 