
          	Long ago the four nations lived together in harmony, then everything changed when the fire nation attacked-" static, voice cuts off
          	Yeah no.
          	Hey there! We see you have found yourself in the land of avyeria, well better get acquainted then. We are the Elemental Society, a Community that offers you  great opportunities and encourage you on to your adventure,no matter what your power.
          	Maybe you are a lightbringer who spreads light on amazing new worlds, or A lightning spinner who can create flashes of an earth unseen, maybe a frost singer who is great with details? No matter who you are,we probably have a place for you. So come on,grab a chair and stay awhile!, Who knows maybe you'll like it enough to stay a little longer ;)


          Long ago the four nations lived together in harmony, then everything changed when the fire nation attacked-" static, voice cuts off
          Yeah no.
          Hey there! We see you have found yourself in the land of avyeria, well better get acquainted then. We are the Elemental Society, a Community that offers you  great opportunities and encourage you on to your adventure,no matter what your power.
          Maybe you are a lightbringer who spreads light on amazing new worlds, or A lightning spinner who can create flashes of an earth unseen, maybe a frost singer who is great with details? No matter who you are,we probably have a place for you. So come on,grab a chair and stay awhile!, Who knows maybe you'll like it enough to stay a little longer ;)


Sometimes all you need to get through life is a healthy environment and supportive friends. At @MerakiWriters you will find just that. We are a successful community - a fun, active place at Wattpad where you can better yourselves. 
          Do you like to promote stuff? Do you love writing? Do you make amazing designs? Or are you a poet? Do you think you are not a writer who can write paragraphs but can come up with catchy titles? Or do you think you are good at audio acting? Are you a judge? Or are you good with face claims? 
          There are so many many roles to choose from, here in Meraki. Never worry that you won't be able to fit in. You will. Contributions are necessary but I assure you that you will find supportive friends, talented mates and friends to goof around with. Just some people to get you through a bad day or help you feel better about yourself. A group of like-minded people can achieve great things. We believe in that. We hope you do too! 
          Hop in and head over to our hiring book to sign up for these roles. Can't wait to see you there!!
          (ad credits : cara)