
Update coming to No pain No gain very very soooon


never did, diid i


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Even though no one is gonna fucking see this- i just realized that the only time i ever think im pretty is when im crying...
          AND WHY IS THAT????


I dont feel like enough. 
          also i kinda want to move to japan bc they seem to just have it together more and have such a beautiful country and culture. I defiantly am not old enough to do that but in the far future i would love to. also learning Japanese is hardddddddddddddddd. ive been off and on with it for a year and have learned nothingggggggggg(my fault for not being dedicated enough)
          (and i dont mean to be shallow???? or racist??? i just really do love the thought of it.(i would clearly learn about the government and visit and learn the language before ever thinking about moving there. but again this is more of a post for future me so that i can remember my thoughts and desires(this was a completely random rant... srry)))


OKAY OKay okay
          I have this AWEFUL metal hairbrush that causes dandruff (since it is scraping your SCALP OFF) and I was leaning in really close the the mirror to see what was going on, then thEN THEN i spot a sparklie thing. It looked like my hair was shiny. For a split second i thought that it was one of my few pieces of dyed hair that look white, but those are grown out to half my hair length and this piece of hair was silver to the root. NEXT i start fiddling with it to see if it looks the same in all lightings and it DOES!!! (You have to look at he root to really see it) I have a fantastically beautiful piece of silver hair!!! I would happily take an entire head of hair this color!!! It reminds me of the moon on water, or melted silver before someone casts it. It is so ducking pretty and i ran around the house having my family check to make sure i was not crazy. I don't see any others (and i looked up that this could be from either an auto immune disease i have or stress(i have been under an immense amount of stress lately)) but i am too afraid to part my hair to look closer cause i might lose were it is. It is not noticeable at ALL but it is around a fingers width away from my hair line opt not super hard to search for. I literally had my first thought be that i wanted to dye my whole head this color. Why do people try and hide their "grey"(beautifully silvery fluid gorgeousness) instead of showing their confidence...
          that was rhetorical i can under stand why people have issues with appearances or just don't want to get old yet.
          I am literally barely in high school and know people practically seven times my age with silver hair, so its not like I'm having a midlife crisis (I hope. I wanna make it to my thirties please) 
          I CANNOT GET OVER how striking it is. Some people say grey hair is likely gonna be coarse and/or wirey but i don't feel that.
          The hair is at LEAST three to five inches (that is a wide range XD IK) so I'm disappointed i didn't see it sooner!


I just realized that the ;length is longer than i thought!!! It is he exact length has my outgrown curtain bangs (an inch past my jaw) which means i have had it much longer than i thought!! I remember a year or two ago i think i found this hair and showed it to my mom, but it was short so i just was like "whelp i guess stress got the best of me"
            That is soo cool and uniqueish (not really) and nice and fun and I'm too tired to think of any more words