
I sincerely apologize for the future of confused readers, I'm editing some things in The Seekers to fit the plot I'm going for. Thank you for your time and understanding. - Z


@-Lumin3scence- also, I might add some digital art to really set the scene if that's okay with everyone


I sincerely apologize for the future of confused readers, I'm editing some things in The Seekers to fit the plot I'm going for. Thank you for your time and understanding. - Z


@-Lumin3scence- also, I might add some digital art to really set the scene if that's okay with everyone


Hewwo people! I'm officially a vegetarian! It has come to my mind that animals are being over-killed and they are leading to extinction, so there for I will ot eat meat from here on out, love you animals! 


@-Lumin3scence- I am trying to do the same but chicken is too yummy.


@Reddie4Stenbrough  (⌒▽⌒)twinzies!!


Girl: "I'm a lesbian.... "
          Little brother: "I thought you were American?... "


@-R3ddies_Ch1ld- literally me coming out to my sister, but instead 'i thought you were welsh?'