first day… kinda weird :shrug: and not my ex in two of my classes tf literally trying to fail me


i added my ex back… let’s see how this goes


@L0VELY-V1BES well my friend is helping me and he responded to her but all he said was hi so like idk if he’ll say anything 


@-MYBEL0VED Be carefulll im wishing you luck


sooo… is it bad to want your ex back just a teeny tiny bit after seeing him for a bit?


but nope, he on the bleachers this time and we locked eyes and like i saw that he was try to see if it was (me) or not yk but he just kept looking at me and my boyfriend a lot. he literally followed us with his eyes and head so


and i fr can’t help it when all this dude does it look at me i went to a football game last night (bc he on the football team and i genuinely like football) but as soon as i got on the bleachers (i was look for his family to see if he was playing)


this message may be offensive
Ok listen i love you, but omg grammerly is not it 
          Even being on a call w you is giving me brain damage holy shit. This is why you need to let me proofread so you dont write 'sticky note' as 'stinky note' 


Also what dick XD


@Leafy_isnt_here_ that can suck me off thank you


i’m redoing my wilbur book, go look at it if you are interested! portrait of a blank slate|wilbur 


i am not going to be working on the dsmp book if you remember that i used that have that. i am going to leave it unpublished bc i don’t like the dsmp anymore, i’ll only continue to write for wilbur. if boundaries come up i will take the wilbur book down immediately so goes with the yumi book