
this message may be offensive
          	Hello, sluts, hoes, femboys, tomboys, and whatever the fuck you may be - whether you're trans, under the enby umbrella, or xenic (I mean, you do you.) 
          	I'm gonna just be straight forward with everyone. I do NOT want to be affiliated as a person who was named Marie, Madison, Sky, Savanna - WHATEVER fucking names I had from mid 2020 - 2018. Or, we, more of. I said that right, we. We go by the names Mal or Lotus, and I'm Emlyn, the host who was the fucking idiot on these posts.  We use those names for our headmates and OCs. (They formed due to severe connection to them), and I will RESPECTFULLY ask that I AM NOT connected to them. My reasons for this are the following;
          	- Issues with my past, per usual . 
          	  I was very problematic, and may still be, if I'm honest. But back then, I did HEAVILY inexcusable shit, including manipulate behavior, and clinging onto people in the wrong ways. 
          	- Severe mental health decline, 
          	  This one may be a little odd, but it's been coming to my attention that I am SEVERELy dealing with obsession as of recently. The past two weeks were not the best, and I'm struggling to keep composure, because I have grown incredibly horrified of my loved friends leaving. This caused a higher obsession with two of my partners, and I'm gonna try to find a way to get myself back to where I was. 
          	- Being inactive 
          	  I haven't used wattpad in a fucking while - let's be honest. I couldn't use it with how much bullshit happened, within the three or four years. There were good moments, but there were just fucking *terrible* ones as well. 
          	I have made accounts - mainly for my partners who asked me to, 
          	@MalTheLotus - The Lotus Pond's main account
          	@HydraNEmlyn - My personal account, as the host. 
          	Along those, I do have an Ao3. MalTheLotus or Marin_Faun, 
          	And our discord is MalTheLotus#9182 
          	I guess this is our official goodbye, then. Or, from this account at least. 
          	See you fucks on the flip side!- 
          	- Emlyn, (He/They/Hi/Li)
          	(Christ, I took up all words.)


Note that the ccounts have placeholder pfps and such, and may be a massive WIP. 
          	  Oki- Bye, bitches-


this message may be offensive
          Hello, sluts, hoes, femboys, tomboys, and whatever the fuck you may be - whether you're trans, under the enby umbrella, or xenic (I mean, you do you.) 
          I'm gonna just be straight forward with everyone. I do NOT want to be affiliated as a person who was named Marie, Madison, Sky, Savanna - WHATEVER fucking names I had from mid 2020 - 2018. Or, we, more of. I said that right, we. We go by the names Mal or Lotus, and I'm Emlyn, the host who was the fucking idiot on these posts.  We use those names for our headmates and OCs. (They formed due to severe connection to them), and I will RESPECTFULLY ask that I AM NOT connected to them. My reasons for this are the following;
          - Issues with my past, per usual . 
            I was very problematic, and may still be, if I'm honest. But back then, I did HEAVILY inexcusable shit, including manipulate behavior, and clinging onto people in the wrong ways. 
          - Severe mental health decline, 
            This one may be a little odd, but it's been coming to my attention that I am SEVERELy dealing with obsession as of recently. The past two weeks were not the best, and I'm struggling to keep composure, because I have grown incredibly horrified of my loved friends leaving. This caused a higher obsession with two of my partners, and I'm gonna try to find a way to get myself back to where I was. 
          - Being inactive 
            I haven't used wattpad in a fucking while - let's be honest. I couldn't use it with how much bullshit happened, within the three or four years. There were good moments, but there were just fucking *terrible* ones as well. 
          I have made accounts - mainly for my partners who asked me to, 
          @MalTheLotus - The Lotus Pond's main account
          @HydraNEmlyn - My personal account, as the host. 
          Along those, I do have an Ao3. MalTheLotus or Marin_Faun, 
          And our discord is MalTheLotus#9182 
          I guess this is our official goodbye, then. Or, from this account at least. 
          See you fucks on the flip side!- 
          - Emlyn, (He/They/Hi/Li)
          (Christ, I took up all words.)


Note that the ccounts have placeholder pfps and such, and may be a massive WIP. 
            Oki- Bye, bitches-


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Yall i kinda officially moved off of wattpad, but i still come back for nostalgia sakes - and also to see what the fuck went wrong with my life- (/j) 
          On a serious note, I have a discord server im debating on putting as a link, and then there's my Ao3 account - which, yes, I do plan on posting there for my book, Timed Eternity - I'm actually finishing a backstory for Madi and Aki. 
          Besides that, i dont know what to do, to stay on here anymore.
          Guess this is Marin/Emlyn swinging out? I dont fuckin know


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- You feel a painful nostalgia looking at this app
          - You stare at it confused, as you never used it yourself.
          - Marin comes in, realizing you opened the app  and sighed. 
          - "Whats wrong?"
          - Marin looks at you, full of regret and sorrow.
          - ' These used to be my fucking people. O used to have such a large group of friends on here three years ago... '
          - You look at Marin, confused. 
          - ' Shit changed so much, man.. First off, finding out I'm a system in the first fucking place, while needing *help* with a therapist. ' 
          - You sit down, realizing that Marin is in more pain then presumed.
          - ' Then having the other block a friend, because another headmate tried to calm them down - because he was scared of people being mad at him. Then now your other friend might leave your server, because of how bad your health has gotten. ' 
          - You begin to regret asking, feeling Marin's pain carry over. 
          - ' .. Thats the only old friend i have left.. Claire doesnt even fucking talk to me much, anymore. And im too scared if talking to the others. I dont want it to end up like me- no, we. Us and Piper. ' 
          - You see him look back.
          - ' Where the hell did three years go..? If i could turn back time, id go back three years ago, but keep this mindset. I've become more aware, of my actions having consequences. '
           [Stay silent] ← →[Ask]
          - You tilt your head, asking why
          - Marin looks at you, nearly ready to cry, before answering. 
          - ' I miss my friends. My shitball yet.. happy and goofy friends. Now.. im in fucking hell... Im *struggling*. Im scared of being abandoned, ive been having panic attacks more frequent, and they're trying to limit how often i front. '
          - Marin looks at you, before laughing, to stop himself from crying - or to try doing so, however, failing. 
          - ' Its funny how you ask this, Achelleus. '


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Hah- hello again-??? 
          It's been. Fucking four months?! Three?! I lost track. 
          I'm just here to inform you that I'm moving over to Ao3. Personally, because i like it better, and more access to actually making a decent fucking story, which i am starting up! It's called "Time passes slowly..." And I'm working on the first chapter as we speak! It might take me a while, as I'm going to possibly have a busy schedule, but i will publish asap!! (Though it's fucking 4:30 as i write this--) 
          If you wanna find my AO3 account, it's Marin_Faun, and I hope to see some of you over there!
          Without further Ado, this might be my last author like goodbye? I'd hope I'll use this more, but i honestly know that I'm just tired of the app I've been on for three years. It's a little sad, but yeah. I'll see you over there! And - hope i won't be harassed - eheheheh
          -- Marin/Mal
          P.S. I did make a new discord server, and I'll have the link in my bio!! 


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Me who said i wouldn't publish my drafts in November; A-Are you fucking-
          Me, Who was asked to publish them by one of my lovers in May; Yup. But hey, it's... *Decent* writing.
          Nov me: Sigh.
          May me; Yup. Stop complaining Madi-
          Nov; Yeah, yeah, Marin.


Right. This one i should announce. I recently found that I'm not Omnisexual, nor am I just *Genderfluid*... I'm a Demiomnisexual, Preference in Enbies, unsure of my romantic attraction, but I'm assuming that I'm Panro, and I'm either Omnigender, or multigender-/quadgender. I use mainly They/Them, but also like Mie/Mem as well. You can use He/Him, but very few can use she/her. My fluidity definitely is there, but I'm typically either more enby, more male, or more towards being xeno as well. I have two lovers, and I will crush them with cuddles to death (And yes, i really love the both of you). That's... All i want to say, and i hope that's not... *Too rude*.. ( I swear i keep typing like it's Discord.
          If anyone wants to talk to me, I'm mostly active on Discord especially.
          Madison_Shinobu#9182 is my main discord