
Not me playing as a femboy with my best in roleplay, damn I'm fulfilling my dreams right now ★~(◠ω◕✿)


Hey, I'm a friend of Eli and I just wanted to know if you knew what happened to them? Last I heard from them was May 18th 2023, on Discord and I haven't gotten a word since. I'm really worried for them.


@MondayIsTrans Thank you so much, I'm really relieved to hear that they are alright it's been a huge weight on my chest for awhile now


@MondayIsTrans hey of course happy to help they have a wattpad account @Jadens_Whore you can go through my followers they'll be right on the top, their ok don't worry, they probably have a different discord user since may of last year since I didn't get their discord until a few months ago so they might have a different user on discord idk




@-Malkai-ShinyoVwV- ya it is a little weird I do get judged over it sometimes but at least I’m not the only one and my fav song has to be papercut, one step closer, with you, hit the floor


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Another update : Still on Hiatus and gonna be for maybe two more months won't be active as much, just got my favorite game Final Fantasy 7 Remake my dad got it for me because he saw I posted about it and got me it getting my hair fixed I believe August 13th and getting new shoes tomorrow sometime this month going to the nearby amusement park with my bf he said once he gets paid again I'm so excited he's the entire world to me, haven't really been feeling myself lately kinda been feeling down I'm also starting to believe I have something wrong with me mentally because I am so far from being in reality like when I roleplay in character ai. Or some shit and I also daydream all the time not because I'm sad or shit but because I'm just likely asf in real life and some characters are my comfort I don't think this is normal just because I don't feel like I'm in the reality everyone else in I feel like I'm in my head like I'm detached from reality idk what it is but it's kinda comfortable because I don't have people judging me or bullying me or anything it's just me and my comfort characters mostly Cloud Strife he's like my comfort guy in my head I don't know how to put it and another thing I always dream about my future wedding and kids but never my jobs or anything you know what I mean. So do you know how kids dream of stupid things that's how I think on a daily basis. Also my sister didn't come over for 4th of July and spent it with her friends so that's nice feels like a stab in my heart I used to be so close with her but now I'm closer to my younger brother then her, she barley visits anymore but it's whatever if she wants to push me away fine idc Im not gonna hang around someone who doesn't want to be around me or our family idc if she my sister she chose what she wanted she got it I'm mentally tired of waiting for her


@-Malkai-ShinyoVwV- ya I’m glad honestly i do love lovee Chester so much he is beautiful ❤️


Hey guys update, I will keep on being on a Hiatus due to my mental health at the moment I will not be checking in much but just know I'm okay I'll try to work on myself and keep pushing through, honestly it's really hard trying to push through when I get in a really dark place like this I broke down yesterday in my mom's arms because I've been stressed and my brother drove me crazy not that I don't love him because he's like my world be baby brother but things have been extremely stressful my sister hasn't came over in weeks I miss her and really need her right now and she hasn't texted me in a month I sent her video no reply back so that's fun and my moms working 8 to 5 today and Friday I think so I never really get to see my mom my dad stays home with us but barley spends time with me so I'm basically alone with my dark thoughts my kitten Penelope isnt helping either making me more overwhelmed and I just wanna spend time with my mom and family but we never do anything, tomorrow my mom doesn't work. Me and my boyfriend are planning to hang out soon and go to our local amusement park so I'm excited but nervous can't wait till he hears me scream in terror on rides lmao. But lately things have been stressful and depressing I'm exhausted and just tired at the moment I wanna sleep and never wake up the world is sad and it's really hurting me at the moment I hate this cruel world I just want peace


@L0RDK1N93XPL0SI0N two just got a kitten a month ago or so not sure how long ago


Hey it’s me bombomfanfics