
          	This is Macy, and I FINALLY updated! I haven't been this proud of myself in a while because I wrote most of it in one sitting. That doesn't matter, though, when you take into account the four month wait. I am so incredibly sorry for this, and I hope to make up for it by updating more frequently in the future.


          We should have an update up soon - Macy's got 800 words written, finally. As soon as she updates I will within a few days. I apologize so much for the four month wait, haha, but we've both been pretty busy and hopefully soon we can both get back into writing Corrupted.
          Thank you for your patience,


Hello everyone!
          As I'm sure you know, it's been over two months since a Corrupted update and for that I apologize. It is Macy's turn to update but her lack of doing so isn't her fault. She's been very busy lately and fortunately her basketball season is nearing the end, so hopefully there will be an update within a month and things will go back to normal. 
          I did not update this because I've already written two of the chapters and the prologue, Macy's only written one and if I was to write more then it would be more like 'Ellie's book with a bit of Macy'.
          I'm sorry for the inconvenience - It sucks for me too, I really want to write Corrupted but I'm sure I'll be able to soon!