Hey, it's been a while. Are you doing okay?
@-Mono11037- No worries at all, I totally understand. I've been hella busy lately too and haven't even hardly looked at my Wattpad. I've been busy with lots of things too like summer programs, summer sports practice, reading (actual books instead of fanfics for once-) and just average teen drama in general. I've recently gotten into reading and watching super cheesy romance stuff, so I've been only indulging in that during my free time lol. But ykw, I'd say that the trade between you and your friend with the tomatoes and Danny content is a fair trade. I would totally do that if my friend bribed me like that lolol. I will say though, overall I've been pretty good. It's refreshing being busy over the summer, tbh. This is probably my busiest summer ever and I kinda enjoy having things to do rather than just doing nothing every day. I'm hoping your Summer has been good overall as well!! And yes, that sounds amazing. Cathy would absolutely hate that (And no worries, I didn't notice any lol)
It’s been a really really long while. Sorry I haven’t checked in so long. Life is hecktic to say the least- then I have summer reading homework, so I be one less motivated to read or write in general. Since I’m being forced to. Gotta say though, I’m reading lord of the flies and have somehow found myself getting sucked into that fandom. I blame my friend. She got bored and decided to draw Jack. Then everything went downhill. (Also- instead of me slipping things into her diet, she ended up trying to force me to eat tomatoes at the end of the school year. Then she would trade me eating them for artwork and fanfics for Danny. Which was honestly worth it.) Other than that I’ve just been busy with extracurriculars. Anyway, how have you been? Since it’s been so long since we’ve talked. Also, those Cathy torture ideas you came up with are amazing- we should make her wear the horrible fashion as well. Maybe like- pink zebra print pants and a plaid top. Something like that. (Apologies if there’s any mess ups. I didn’t reread what I wrote, and I haven’t been able to type the past few days for whatever. And also because autocorrect has been out to get me ehehehhe)
@-Mono11037- It's crazy how busy life gets lol. I went from going on this app multiple times every single day to going on this app every few days. I can never find the time to check it, let alone write any new content. And ykw, just sneak all of those foods into your friend's diet to help her out- I'm sure it'll help somehow. And absolutely. Anything that will drive Cathy insane needs to be done, and gross colognes is definitely one of the things to do. She'll get massive migraine hehe. Maybe we can hang really ugly clothes around the room too, she would hate having to see horrible fashion everywhere she looked