
          	I have given up on lifem thanknyou very much :)
          	Bye yall, i'm closing down this account bc i can't update for the life of me, so expect 0 updates on everything.
          	Disc - ThatOneAwkwardSnake#1039


WE WILL NO LONGER TOLERATE THIS DISCRIMINATION. LGTBQ+ IS HUMAN. WE ARE ALL JUMAN. please. We just want to be accepted. Lets live harmoniously together instead of this mess of a world. We are not asking much. just acceptance. Please. That is ALL we want. We are being murdered and locked up in jail for who we are. Please.


I stand with #WPP2021. spread the word.


Hey friendos! I just wanna say something real quick about the blue whale challenge. For those of you who don't know what this is, theblue whale challenge is a challenge where you have to do different "tasks" everyday, each one getting even more dangerous the further you go it, and the last one being to kill yourself.  Its very scary, i know, but we have to be careful and keep our heads straight.  Do not click on any links or anything,  and make sure that if you are a parent or have younger siblings to make sure they are happy every day. And try to keep yourself happy, too!take care of yourself, do something you enjoy, and take time for yourself. If you see a nlue whale on anybody's arm or leg, that is a sign of DANGER. Please talk to that person and make sure they are ok.