Hello, everyone!
Okay, I’m really bad at updating, I’m so sorry. Every time I make one of these post I feel so guilty because I swear I’m not just making up excuses, these are explanations for my absence that I wish I could prevent. I always make a promise, and then something happens where I can’t see it through, or I struggle. There are times when I disappear for so long because I need the short break, but then I struggle to return because I don’t want to burn out.
I can’t tell you when I’m going to update next, I severely underestimated the workload of uni alongside my other day-to-day duties. I’m trying to figure out a balance where I can do my study, go to work, organise myself, and write while still having time to take care of myself. I hope you all will understand, I never intend to leave you. I just need a while to get all of this sorted, but I do hope to come back as soon as I can.
In the mean time, thank you all for reading my books, for leaving the greatest comments ever (most of them are priceless comedy) and just the support in general. Many of you won’t even read this, but I just hope you all know I love you, thank you, and I’m proud of you in the off-chance it does get read.
Much love, and many thanks,
Spence :)